Sunday, 28 April 2013

Amor a primera vista / Love at first sight

Quién me conozca, sabe que soy una persona clásica a la hora de vestir; manteniendo una paleta de colores que me identifica y cada tanto dando un shock de color a mi outfit.

Sin embargo, hay algo por lo que tengo debilidad: los accesorios, y mas si son tan lindos como este hermoso carterón que me crucé caminando por mi querido Recoleta.

Pertenece a la tienda Perez Sanz, ubicada en Posadas y Callao. Hasta el día de hoy desconocía esta marca. Se dedican a realizar distintos tipos de objetos, accesorios y esculturas, entre ellos, esta delicia.

Simplemente lo quiero.

Ps. Perdón por la foto, pero la tienda estaba cerrada.

Who knows a little bit about me, knows that I’m a classy gal when it comes to clothing; always wearing a palette that identifies me and once in a while wearing a shocking color.

However, I have weakness for accessories; further if they are as beautiful as this lovely bag that I found today walking in my beloved Recoleta neighborhood.

It belongs to Perez Sanz, located in Posadas and Callao. Up today I’ve never heard of this store. They develop different types of objects, accessories and sculptures, among them, this beauty.

I simply want it.

Ps. Sorry about the pic as the store was closed.