Será la manera en que las marcas, a traves de sus vidrieras y mannequins, ven lo que pasa hoy en el mundo con la crisis?? Los de Benetton miran al costado, indiferentes, y los que vi en Berlin directamente ni la quieren ver... No se, pero ambos me llamaron la atención, a ustedes?

Two shop windows called my attention while I was in Barcelona and Berlin. Both mannequins are quiet similar -at least to me! I think that they look creepy!! Those faces are not appealing at all. The one of Barcelona is from Benetton, but I can't really remember the one of Berlin.
Is this the way that brands, through their shop windows and mannequins, see the current world crisis?? The ones from Benetton look to other side, indifferent; and the ones from Berlin, they don't even want to look.... Not sure, what they provoke something on me, what do you think?