Si bien seguimos en invierno atravesando una ola polar, queria aprovechar para darle un poco de brillo a este dia gris, mirando lo que se viene para el proximo verano.
Y lo que se viene es el fluo con todo, botas, aros, chalinas, remeras, zapatillas…. Y muchas cosas mas. Aca les dejo una colorida vidriera de Selfridges en Londres, de mi ultimo paso por dicha ciudad. Colores que quedan muy bien cuando estamos bronceados!
Yo ya me traje mis cositas flúos, vos ya sabes que vas a elegir??
Even though here in Buenos Aires we are still in winter and going through a polar wave, I would like to bright your grey day with colour, and taking a look of what we'll see in the summer.
And the trend is fluorescent colours, in almost everything, boots, earings, t-shirts, pashminas, trainers.... and many more. Here you can see the shop window from Selfridges London, from my last trip to that city. Be aware that these colours look better when one is tanned!
I've already have my picks, and what about you??